Taxi Cab Fare¶

The goal of this project is predict the tip amount paid for a a taxi ride in NYC in 2015. The main technical challenge in this project is the size of the data set: 77106102 observations! This is obviously too much data to simply download locally and load into memora via a pandas dataframe, so in this project I focus less on the typical model building techniques like data cleaning and parameter tuning and more on exploring the technologies needed to manipulate and explore such a large data set.

For this project I created an Apache Spark cluster consisting of 1 master node and 4 worker nodes on the Google Cloud Plaform (GCP). Apache Spark is an open source platform for fast analytics on large datasets and fortunately a Python API (PySpark) exists. The core principal of Spark is the notion of Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD). In the Spark framework a dataset is divided into RDDs and distributed to different compute nodes on a cluster, allowing us to essentially partition and apply operations on a dataset over a cluster size of our choice.

After setting up a GCP account (thanks for the free $300 trial!) a PySpark cluster was created by running the following command locally:

In [ ]:
gcloud dataproc clusters create cluster_name \
    --num-workers 4 --worker-machine-type n1-standard-1 \
    --master-machine-type n1-standard-2 \
    --master-boot-disk-size 128 \
    --worker-boot-disk-size 128 \
    --scopes '' \
    --project thaddeus \
    --metadata="MINICONDA_VARIANT=2" \
    --initialization-actions \

Next, I created a ssh tunnel to the cluster:

In [ ]:
gcloud compute ssh cluster_name-m -- -D 10000 -N -n

An connected via my browser:

In [ ]:
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome "http://cluster_name-m:8123" \
--proxy-server="socks5://localhost:10000" \
--host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost" \

And with that, we are ready to start analyzing the taxi dataset.

In [1]:
from pyspark.sql.functions import mean, min as smin, max as smax, udf, date_format
from pyspark.sql.types import TimestampType, StringType
from import OneHotEncoder, StringIndexer, VectorAssembler
import time
from import Vectors
In [13]:
!pip install pandas
!pip install matplotlib
!pip install seaborn
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pandas in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pytz>=2011k in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): python-dateutil in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): numpy>=1.7.0 in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pandas)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): six>=1.5 in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from python-dateutil->pandas)
You are using pip version 8.1.2, however version 9.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): matplotlib in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=1.5.6 in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from matplotlib)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): numpy>=1.7.1 in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from matplotlib)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): functools32 in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from matplotlib)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): six>=1.10 in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from matplotlib)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pytz in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from matplotlib)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): subprocess32 in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from matplotlib)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): cycler>=0.10 in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from matplotlib)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): python-dateutil in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from matplotlib)
You are using pip version 8.1.2, however version 9.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): seaborn in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): scipy in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from seaborn)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): numpy>=1.8.2 in /opt/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from scipy->seaborn)
You are using pip version 8.1.2, however version 9.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
In [30]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns; sns.set(style="ticks", color_codes=True)

Load the Data¶

In [2]:
# load the dataset from the datasci-450 bucket
start_time = time.time()
storage_url = 'gs://datasci-450/resources/datasets/taxi/*'
taxi ='csv').load(storage_url, header=True, inferSchema=True)
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
--- 227.490402937 seconds ---
In [15]:
# determine the number of rows in the spark DF
print 'number of rows:  ', taxi.count()
number of rows:   77106102
In [8]:
# holy smokes, that is a lot of rows.  next, take a look at the df
|vendor_id|     pickup_datetime|    dropoff_datetime|  pickup_longitude|   pickup_latitude| dropoff_longitude|  dropoff_latitude|rate_code|passenger_count|trip_distance|payment_type|fare_amount|extra|mta_tax|imp_surcharge|tip_amount|tolls_amount|total_amount|store_and_fwd_flag|
|      CMT|2015-04-30 16:30:...|2015-04-30 17:41:...|-73.78235626220703| 40.64461135864258|-73.88793182373047|40.874080657958984|        1|              1|         22.8|         CRD|       70.0|  1.0|    0.5|          0.3|       7.0|        5.54|       84.34|                 N|
|      VTS|2015-05-21 07:43:...|2015-05-21 08:21:...| -73.9553451538086| 40.81998825073242| -73.8737564086914|40.754058837890625|        1|              1|         8.76|         CRD|       33.5|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|      7.97|        5.54|       47.81|                 N|
|      VTS|2015-05-16 19:41:...|2015-05-16 20:21:...| -73.9540786743164|40.784488677978516|-74.00385284423828| 40.72928237915039|        1|              1|         5.17|         CRD|       26.5|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|      5.46|         0.0|       32.76|                 N|
only showing top 3 rows

In [11]:
# determine what features are in the df
In [7]:
# check the data types
 |-- vendor_id: string (nullable = true)
 |-- pickup_datetime: string (nullable = true)
 |-- dropoff_datetime: string (nullable = true)
 |-- pickup_longitude: double (nullable = true)
 |-- pickup_latitude: double (nullable = true)
 |-- dropoff_longitude: double (nullable = true)
 |-- dropoff_latitude: double (nullable = true)
 |-- rate_code: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- passenger_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- trip_distance: double (nullable = true)
 |-- payment_type: string (nullable = true)
 |-- fare_amount: double (nullable = true)
 |-- extra: double (nullable = true)
 |-- mta_tax: double (nullable = true)
 |-- imp_surcharge: double (nullable = true)
 |-- tip_amount: double (nullable = true)
 |-- tolls_amount: double (nullable = true)
 |-- total_amount: double (nullable = true)
 |-- store_and_fwd_flag: string (nullable = true)

Exploratory Data Analysis¶

In [ ]:
# we will take a snippet of the data for exploration. 
start_time = time.time()

taxi_sample = taxi.sample(withReplacement=False, fraction=0.005, seed=123)
taxi_pd = taxi_sample.toPandas()

print '# of columns:  ', taxi_pd.shape[0]
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
In [16]:
# write this pd to disk in case i get booted
In [17]:
vendor_id pickup_datetime dropoff_datetime pickup_longitude pickup_latitude dropoff_longitude dropoff_latitude rate_code passenger_count trip_distance payment_type fare_amount extra mta_tax imp_surcharge tip_amount tolls_amount total_amount store_and_fwd_flag
0 CMT 2015-02-12 11:35:16 UTC 2015-02-12 12:10:59 UTC -74.004471 40.725513 -73.980072 40.752544 1 1 3.10 CRD 22.0 0.0 0.5 0.3 5.70 0.00 28.50 N
1 VTS 2015-03-19 21:26:04 UTC 2015-03-19 21:54:44 UTC -73.994011 40.720161 -73.956444 40.784092 1 1 6.63 CRD 24.0 0.5 0.5 0.3 5.06 0.00 30.36 N
2 VTS 2015-03-12 22:04:42 UTC 2015-03-12 22:31:04 UTC -73.976700 40.749256 -74.000793 40.676086 1 1 8.73 CRD 28.0 0.5 0.5 0.3 7.32 0.00 36.62 N
3 VTS 2015-05-27 16:52:32 UTC 2015-05-27 17:34:35 UTC -73.975441 40.750584 -73.864929 40.770416 1 1 11.21 CRD 35.5 1.0 0.5 0.3 8.57 5.54 51.41 N
4 CMT 2015-06-21 10:24:20 UTC 2015-06-21 10:48:44 UTC -73.963249 40.799080 -73.998734 40.734768 1 1 6.40 CRD 23.0 0.0 0.5 0.3 2.30 0.00 26.10 N
In [92]:
# start with tip_amount
count    384373.000000
mean          1.674335
std           2.573321
min          -2.700000
25%           0.000000
50%           1.150000
75%           2.260000
max         436.750000
Name: tip_amount, dtype: float64
In [65]:
# how can there be a negative tip?  moving on....
# how many vendor IDs are there?
print 'unique vendor IDs:  ', len(taxi_pd['vendor_id'].unique())

# how many observations from each vendor?
vendors = taxi_pd['vendor_id'].unique()
for i in vendors:
    name = i.split('u')[0]
    print 'vendor:  ', name, ' - # of observations:  ', taxi_pd[taxi_pd['vendor_id'] == name].shape[0]
unique vendor IDs:   2
vendor:   CMT  - # of observations:   184289
vendor:   VTS  - # of observations:   200084
In [93]:
# next look at the non-categorical, non location features
discrete_features = ['passenger_count',

taxi_discrete = taxi_pd.loc[:, discrete_features]

g = sns.pairplot(taxi_discrete, hue="vendor_id")
In [94]:
# fare_amount and total_amount seem to be colinear, so i will not include both of them in the model.  
# conclusions for the other features are limited b/c of signficant outliers.  
# trip_distance appears to have some significant outliers making it difficult to interpret the plot 
# also tip_amount and tolls_amount and total_amount have outliers.  lets look at these features in more detail. 

print 'tip_amount:  \n', taxi_pd['tip_amount'].describe()
print '\n trip_distance:  \n', taxi_pd['trip_distance'].describe()
print '\n tolls_amount:  \n', taxi_pd['tolls_amount'].describe()
print '\n total_amount:  \n', taxi_pd['total_amount'].describe()
count    384373.000000
mean          1.674335
std           2.573321
min          -2.700000
25%           0.000000
50%           1.150000
75%           2.260000
max         436.750000
Name: tip_amount, dtype: float64

count    384373.000000
mean          5.868376
std        1083.543794
min           0.000000
25%           1.000000
50%           1.700000
75%           3.170000
max      500000.500000
Name: trip_distance, dtype: float64

count    384373.000000
mean          0.287135
std           1.572559
min          -5.540000
25%           0.000000
50%           0.000000
75%           0.000000
max         503.830000
Name: tolls_amount, dtype: float64

count    384373.000000
mean         15.764573
std          13.241911
min        -139.840000
25%           8.300000
50%          11.800000
75%          17.750000
max        1146.660000
Name: total_amount, dtype: float64
In [108]:
# yikes!  ther are negative toll amounts, zero trip_distance values (missing data?) and negative tip_amounts.
# this data set is a hot mess.  

# plot the above features separately w/ different axis limits to examine the data w/o outliers
taxi_pd.plot.scatter('total_amount', 'tip_amount', alpha=0.2, figsize=(8,8), fontsize=14)

taxi_pd.plot.scatter('trip_distance', 'tip_amount', alpha=0.2, figsize=(8,8), fontsize=14)

taxi_pd.plot.scatter('tolls_amount', 'tip_amount', alpha=0.2, figsize=(8,8), fontsize=14)

taxi_pd.plot.scatter('passenger_count', 'tip_amount', alpha=0.2, figsize=(8,8), fontsize=14)
In [115]:
# as shown above total_amount and trip_distance and passenger appear to have a linear (maybe?) relationship with tip_amount
# so these will be included in the model.
# also, most of the toll_amount values are zero so we will remove this from the model. 
# in summary, we will include the following discrete features in the model:   
#   trip_distance, total_amount, passenger_count
In [121]:
# next we evalute the categorial data:
def unique_snowflakes(feature):
    uniques = taxi_pd[feature].unique()
    print '\nfeature', feature
    for i in uniques:
        name = i.split('u')[0]
        print 'features:  ', name, ' - # of observations:  ', taxi_pd[taxi_pd[feature] == name].shape[0]
cats = ['payment_type', 'store_and_fwd_flag']
for i in cats:
feature payment_type
features:   CRD  - # of observations:   240683
features:   CSH  - # of observations:   142020
features:   DIS  - # of observations:   440
features:   NOC  - # of observations:   1230

feature store_and_fwd_flag
features:   N  - # of observations:   381033
features:   Y  - # of observations:   3340
In [145]:
# the majority of the the payments are either crd or csh (card or cash?)
# also, 99.1% of the store_and_fwd_flag features are 'N', so we will not use this features.
# lets determine if payment type and tip_amount are related

sns.boxplot(x='payment_type', y='tip_amount', data=taxi_pd);
In [148]:
# hard to see anything b/c of outliers.  zoom in.
sns.boxplot(x='payment_type', y='tip_amount', data=taxi_pd);
In [150]:
# people seem to tip quite a bit more when they pay with card.
CRD    2.673771
CSH    0.000146
DIS    0.006818
NOC    0.011439
Name: tip_amount, dtype: float64
In [17]:
# payment type will certainly be included in our model!
# finally we turn to the date.  date formats are painful, so i will practice with a small
# chunk of the spark dataframe (2 rows, to be exact)

taxi_small = taxi.limit(2)
|vendor_id|     pickup_datetime|    dropoff_datetime|  pickup_longitude|  pickup_latitude| dropoff_longitude|  dropoff_latitude|rate_code|passenger_count|trip_distance|payment_type|fare_amount|extra|mta_tax|imp_surcharge|tip_amount|tolls_amount|total_amount|store_and_fwd_flag|
|      CMT|2015-04-30 16:30:...|2015-04-30 17:41:...|-73.78235626220703|40.64461135864258|-73.88793182373047|40.874080657958984|        1|              1|         22.8|         CRD|       70.0|  1.0|    0.5|          0.3|       7.0|        5.54|       84.34|                 N|
|      VTS|2015-05-21 07:43:...|2015-05-21 08:21:...| -73.9553451538086|40.81998825073242| -73.8737564086914|40.754058837890625|        1|              1|         8.76|         CRD|       33.5|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|      7.97|        5.54|       47.81|                 N|

In [22]:
# there are two date components:  pickup_datetime and dropoff_datetime'pickup_datetime').show()'dropoff_datetime').show()
|     pickup_datetime|
|2015-04-30 16:30:...|
|2015-05-21 07:43:...|

|    dropoff_datetime|
|2015-04-30 17:41:...|
|2015-05-21 08:21:...|

In [3]:
# write a udf to extract day of the week (dow) from the pickup dates
def dates_are_painful(stripper):
    day, time, timezone = stripper.strip().split()
    return ' '.join([day, time])

udf_myFunction = udf(dates_are_painful)
taxi_dow = taxi_sample.withColumn("pickup_udf", udf_myFunction("pickup_datetime").cast('timestamp'))
taxi_dow2 = taxi_dow.withColumn('dow', date_format('pickup_udf', 'E'))
In [107]:
taxi_dow2_pd = taxi_dow2.toPandas()
In [109]:
sns.boxplot(x='dow', y='tip_amount', data=taxi_dow2_pd);
In [110]:
# zoom in for a better view
sns.boxplot(x='dow', y='tip_amount', data=taxi_dow2_pd);
In [112]:
# calculate the summary statistics
print('mean tip amount:')
mean tip amount:
Fri    1.707431
Mon    1.691568
Sat    1.474892
Sun    1.632957
Thu    1.752927
Tue    1.718385
Wed    1.762933
Name: tip_amount, dtype: float64
In [113]:
print('mean tip amount:')
mean tip amount:
Fri    1.16
Mon    1.10
Sat    1.00
Sun    1.00
Thu    1.25
Tue    1.25
Wed    1.26
Name: tip_amount, dtype: float64
In [127]:
# Saturday and Suday have the lowest mean and median tip_amounts.  Of the cateogorical values
# we will include payment_type and dow as variables.  We are now ready to format the full data 
# set for model building.  
# But first, we need to transform our data via one-hot encoding. again, practice with the small snippet of data

# first, convert payment type to a numeric index
payment_indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol='payment_type', outputCol='payment_typeIndex')
payment_model =
payment_indexed = payment_model.transform(taxi_sample)
DataFrame[vendor_id: string, pickup_datetime: string, dropoff_datetime: string, pickup_longitude: double, pickup_latitude: double, dropoff_longitude: double, dropoff_latitude: double, rate_code: int, passenger_count: int, trip_distance: double, payment_type: string, fare_amount: double, extra: double, mta_tax: double, imp_surcharge: double, tip_amount: double, tolls_amount: double, total_amount: double, store_and_fwd_flag: string, payment_typeIndex: double]
In [128]:
# next, one hot encode the indexed payment_type
payment_encoder = OneHotEncoder(inputCol='payment_typeIndex', outputCol='paymentVec')
payment_encoded = payment_encoder.transform(payment_indexed)
|vendor_id|     pickup_datetime|    dropoff_datetime|  pickup_longitude|   pickup_latitude| dropoff_longitude|  dropoff_latitude|rate_code|passenger_count|trip_distance|payment_type|fare_amount|extra|mta_tax|imp_surcharge|tip_amount|tolls_amount|total_amount|store_and_fwd_flag|payment_typeIndex|   paymentVec|
|      CMT|2015-02-12 11:35:...|2015-02-12 12:10:...|-74.00447082519531| 40.72551345825195|-73.98007202148438| 40.75254440307617|        1|              1|          3.1|         CRD|       22.0|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|       5.7|         0.0|        28.5|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      VTS|2015-03-19 21:26:...|2015-03-19 21:54:...|-73.99401092529297| 40.72016143798828| -73.9564437866211| 40.78409194946289|        1|              1|         6.63|         CRD|       24.0|  0.5|    0.5|          0.3|      5.06|         0.0|       30.36|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      VTS|2015-03-12 22:04:...|2015-03-12 22:31:...|-73.97669982910156|  40.7492561340332|-74.00079345703125| 40.67608642578125|        1|              1|         8.73|         CRD|       28.0|  0.5|    0.5|          0.3|      7.32|         0.0|       36.62|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      VTS|2015-05-27 16:52:...|2015-05-27 17:34:...| -73.9754409790039| 40.75058364868164|-73.86492919921875|40.770416259765625|        1|              1|        11.21|         CRD|       35.5|  1.0|    0.5|          0.3|      8.57|        5.54|       51.41|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      CMT|2015-06-21 10:24:...|2015-06-21 10:48:...|-73.96324920654297| 40.79907989501953|-73.99873352050781| 40.73476791381836|        1|              1|          6.4|         CRD|       23.0|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|       2.3|         0.0|        26.1|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      CMT|2015-02-21 15:10:...|2015-02-21 15:57:...| -73.9976577758789| 40.72261047363281| -73.9587631225586|40.764163970947266|        1|              1|          3.9|         CRD|       27.0|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|      6.95|         0.0|       34.75|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      CMT|2015-02-06 11:42:...|2015-02-06 12:23:...|-73.95926666259766|40.777305603027344| -73.9867172241211| 40.72565460205078|        1|              1|          6.2|         CRD|       28.5|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|      7.32|         0.0|       36.62|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      VTS|2015-01-10 02:06:...|2015-01-10 02:06:...|               0.0|               0.0|               0.0|               0.0|        5|              1|          0.0|         CRD|       75.0|  0.0|    0.0|          0.3|      10.0|         0.0|        85.3|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      CMT|2015-03-22 12:29:...|2015-03-22 12:53:...|-74.00589752197266|40.717464447021484|-73.94685363769531| 40.77631378173828|        1|              1|          7.8|         CRD|       25.5|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|      6.55|         0.0|       32.85|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      CMT|2015-06-11 19:25:...|2015-06-11 20:03:...|-73.98119354248047| 40.74416732788086|-73.95623016357422|  40.8057975769043|        1|              1|          5.5|         CRD|       27.0|  1.0|    0.5|          0.3|       7.2|         0.0|        36.0|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      VTS|2015-06-16 11:27:...|2015-06-16 12:00:...|-73.98290252685547|40.764766693115234| -74.0110092163086| 40.70870590209961|        1|              1|         5.68|         CRD|       24.5|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|      5.06|         0.0|       30.36|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      VTS|2015-04-08 22:12:...|2015-04-08 22:48:...|-73.98230743408203|40.764198303222656|-73.94799041748047|40.686500549316406|        1|              1|         7.77|         CRD|       28.0|  0.5|    0.5|          0.3|      8.79|         0.0|       38.09|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      VTS|2015-02-03 20:14:...|2015-02-03 20:35:...|   -73.86767578125| 40.77235794067383|-73.98133087158203|40.725093841552734|        1|              1|        10.24|         CRD|       30.0|  0.5|    0.5|          0.3|      7.82|         0.0|       39.12|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      CMT|2015-05-30 16:17:...|2015-05-30 16:58:...| -73.9701919555664| 40.75564193725586| -74.0053482055664|40.727779388427734|        1|              1|          4.6|         CRD|       27.5|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|       4.0|         0.0|        32.3|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      VTS|2015-01-13 23:54:...|2015-01-14 00:26:...|-73.96414947509766| 40.80318069458008|-73.95646667480469| 40.74749755859375|        1|              2|          6.4|         CRD|       25.5|  0.5|    0.5|          0.3|       5.2|         0.0|        32.0|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      VTS|2015-05-08 18:28:...|2015-05-08 18:59:...| -73.9908218383789|40.734378814697266|-73.94364166259766| 40.67219924926758|        1|              1|         7.25|         CRD|       25.0|  1.0|    0.5|          0.3|       3.5|         0.0|        30.3|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      VTS|2015-06-17 12:06:...|2015-06-17 12:40:...|-73.96796417236328|40.802066802978516|-73.98326873779297|      40.748046875|        1|              1|         4.48|         CRD|       23.0|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|      4.76|         0.0|       28.56|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      CMT|2015-06-09 16:19:...|2015-06-09 16:21:...|-73.98556518554688| 40.75673294067383|-73.98854064941406| 40.75402069091797|        1|              1|          0.2|         CRD|        3.0|  1.0|    0.5|          0.3|      0.95|         0.0|        5.75|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      CMT|2015-03-27 11:33:...|2015-03-27 12:05:...|-73.86268615722656|40.768943786621094|-73.97249603271484|40.756229400634766|        1|              2|         11.2|         CRD|       36.5|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|       4.0|        5.54|       46.84|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
|      CMT|2015-03-02 08:02:...|2015-03-02 08:43:...|-73.97825622558594| 40.78575134277344|-73.87227630615234|40.774330139160156|        1|              1|          9.3|         CRD|       36.0|  0.0|    0.5|          0.3|       4.0|        5.33|       46.13|                 N|              0.0|(3,[0],[1.0])|
only showing top 20 rows

In [4]:
# beautiful!  (not really).  now we can one hot encode the entire original dataframe.
# we will use the following features to build our model:
# numeric:  trip_distance, total_amount, passenger_count
# categorical:  payment_type, pickup day of week (calculated from pickup_datetime)

# so, we will select just these features from our original data
taxi_features ='trip_distance',
|trip_distance|total_amount|passenger_count|payment_type|     pickup_datetime|tip_amount|
|         22.8|       84.34|              1|         CRD|2015-04-30 16:30:...|       7.0|
|         8.76|       47.81|              1|         CRD|2015-05-21 07:43:...|      7.97|
|         5.17|       32.76|              1|         CRD|2015-05-16 19:41:...|      5.46|
|          5.9|       32.88|              1|         CRD|2015-05-06 00:41:...|      6.58|
|          8.8|       42.41|              1|         CRD|2015-03-27 22:25:...|      7.07|
|          7.5|       32.25|              2|         CRD|2015-03-04 20:29:...|      6.45|
|          6.5|        38.5|              1|         CRD|2015-02-15 18:08:...|       7.7|
|        14.33|       50.76|              1|         CRD|2015-04-27 21:44:...|      8.46|
|        12.71|       50.34|              1|         CRD|2015-05-10 20:54:...|       7.0|
|          6.4|       27.35|              1|         CRD|2015-03-12 06:40:...|      4.55|
|         9.14|        44.8|              1|         CRD|2015-05-28 12:45:...|      8.96|
|         7.33|       27.96|              5|         CRD|2015-06-01 21:02:...|      4.66|
|          4.2|       28.55|              1|         CRD|2015-04-25 00:03:...|      4.75|
|         8.76|        32.0|              1|         CRD|2015-06-08 07:33:...|       3.2|
|          8.6|       34.75|              5|         CRD|2015-06-17 04:15:...|      6.95|
|         0.35|        5.16|              1|         CRD|2015-03-05 23:25:...|      0.86|
|          5.3|       29.75|              1|         CRD|2015-02-10 09:40:...|      4.95|
|          8.6|       32.75|              1|         CRD|2015-03-01 04:40:...|      5.45|
|         14.5|       55.59|              1|         CRD|2015-06-30 11:47:...|      9.25|
|          7.9|       32.15|              1|         CRD|2015-05-17 12:17:...|      5.35|
only showing top 20 rows

In [5]:
# next, extract day of week from pickup_datetime
taxi_dow = taxi_features.withColumn("pickup_udf", udf_myFunction("pickup_datetime").cast('timestamp'))
taxi_dowE = taxi_dow.withColumn('dow', date_format('pickup_udf', 'E'))
|trip_distance|total_amount|passenger_count|payment_type|     pickup_datetime|tip_amount|          pickup_udf|dow|
|         22.8|       84.34|              1|         CRD|2015-04-30 16:30:...|       7.0|2015-04-30 16:30:...|Thu|
|         8.76|       47.81|              1|         CRD|2015-05-21 07:43:...|      7.97|2015-05-21 07:43:...|Thu|
|         5.17|       32.76|              1|         CRD|2015-05-16 19:41:...|      5.46|2015-05-16 19:41:...|Sat|
|          5.9|       32.88|              1|         CRD|2015-05-06 00:41:...|      6.58|2015-05-06 00:41:...|Wed|
|          8.8|       42.41|              1|         CRD|2015-03-27 22:25:...|      7.07|2015-03-27 22:25:...|Fri|
|          7.5|       32.25|              2|         CRD|2015-03-04 20:29:...|      6.45|2015-03-04 20:29:...|Wed|
|          6.5|        38.5|              1|         CRD|2015-02-15 18:08:...|       7.7|2015-02-15 18:08:...|Sun|
|        14.33|       50.76|              1|         CRD|2015-04-27 21:44:...|      8.46|2015-04-27 21:44:...|Mon|
|        12.71|       50.34|              1|         CRD|2015-05-10 20:54:...|       7.0|2015-05-10 20:54:...|Sun|
|          6.4|       27.35|              1|         CRD|2015-03-12 06:40:...|      4.55|2015-03-12 06:40:...|Thu|
|         9.14|        44.8|              1|         CRD|2015-05-28 12:45:...|      8.96|2015-05-28 12:45:...|Thu|
|         7.33|       27.96|              5|         CRD|2015-06-01 21:02:...|      4.66|2015-06-01 21:02:...|Mon|
|          4.2|       28.55|              1|         CRD|2015-04-25 00:03:...|      4.75|2015-04-25 00:03:...|Sat|
|         8.76|        32.0|              1|         CRD|2015-06-08 07:33:...|       3.2|2015-06-08 07:33:...|Mon|
|          8.6|       34.75|              5|         CRD|2015-06-17 04:15:...|      6.95|2015-06-17 04:15:...|Wed|
|         0.35|        5.16|              1|         CRD|2015-03-05 23:25:...|      0.86|2015-03-05 23:25:...|Thu|
|          5.3|       29.75|              1|         CRD|2015-02-10 09:40:...|      4.95|2015-02-10 09:40:...|Tue|
|          8.6|       32.75|              1|         CRD|2015-03-01 04:40:...|      5.45|2015-03-01 04:40:...|Sun|
|         14.5|       55.59|              1|         CRD|2015-06-30 11:47:...|      9.25|2015-06-30 11:47:...|Tue|
|          7.9|       32.15|              1|         CRD|2015-05-17 12:17:...|      5.35|2015-05-17 12:17:...|Sun|
only showing top 20 rows

In [6]:
# one hot encode payment type
payment_indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol='payment_type', outputCol='payment_typeIndex')
payment_model =
payment_indexed = payment_model.transform(taxi_dowE)

payment_encoder = OneHotEncoder(inputCol='payment_typeIndex', outputCol='paymentVec')
payment_encoded = payment_encoder.transform(payment_indexed)
|trip_distance|total_amount|passenger_count|payment_type|     pickup_datetime|tip_amount|          pickup_udf|dow|payment_typeIndex|   paymentVec|
|         22.8|       84.34|              1|         CRD|2015-04-30 16:30:...|       7.0|2015-04-30 16:30:...|Thu|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|         8.76|       47.81|              1|         CRD|2015-05-21 07:43:...|      7.97|2015-05-21 07:43:...|Thu|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|         5.17|       32.76|              1|         CRD|2015-05-16 19:41:...|      5.46|2015-05-16 19:41:...|Sat|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|          5.9|       32.88|              1|         CRD|2015-05-06 00:41:...|      6.58|2015-05-06 00:41:...|Wed|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|          8.8|       42.41|              1|         CRD|2015-03-27 22:25:...|      7.07|2015-03-27 22:25:...|Fri|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|          7.5|       32.25|              2|         CRD|2015-03-04 20:29:...|      6.45|2015-03-04 20:29:...|Wed|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|          6.5|        38.5|              1|         CRD|2015-02-15 18:08:...|       7.7|2015-02-15 18:08:...|Sun|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|        14.33|       50.76|              1|         CRD|2015-04-27 21:44:...|      8.46|2015-04-27 21:44:...|Mon|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|        12.71|       50.34|              1|         CRD|2015-05-10 20:54:...|       7.0|2015-05-10 20:54:...|Sun|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|          6.4|       27.35|              1|         CRD|2015-03-12 06:40:...|      4.55|2015-03-12 06:40:...|Thu|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|         9.14|        44.8|              1|         CRD|2015-05-28 12:45:...|      8.96|2015-05-28 12:45:...|Thu|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|         7.33|       27.96|              5|         CRD|2015-06-01 21:02:...|      4.66|2015-06-01 21:02:...|Mon|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|          4.2|       28.55|              1|         CRD|2015-04-25 00:03:...|      4.75|2015-04-25 00:03:...|Sat|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|         8.76|        32.0|              1|         CRD|2015-06-08 07:33:...|       3.2|2015-06-08 07:33:...|Mon|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|          8.6|       34.75|              5|         CRD|2015-06-17 04:15:...|      6.95|2015-06-17 04:15:...|Wed|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|         0.35|        5.16|              1|         CRD|2015-03-05 23:25:...|      0.86|2015-03-05 23:25:...|Thu|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|          5.3|       29.75|              1|         CRD|2015-02-10 09:40:...|      4.95|2015-02-10 09:40:...|Tue|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|          8.6|       32.75|              1|         CRD|2015-03-01 04:40:...|      5.45|2015-03-01 04:40:...|Sun|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|         14.5|       55.59|              1|         CRD|2015-06-30 11:47:...|      9.25|2015-06-30 11:47:...|Tue|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
|          7.9|       32.15|              1|         CRD|2015-05-17 12:17:...|      5.35|2015-05-17 12:17:...|Sun|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|
only showing top 20 rows

In [7]:
# one hot encode pickup day of week
dow_indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol='dow', outputCol='dowIndex')
dow_model =
dow_indexed = dow_model.transform(payment_encoded)

dow_encoder = OneHotEncoder(inputCol='dowIndex', outputCol='dowVec')
dow_payment_encoded = dow_encoder.transform(dow_indexed)
|trip_distance|total_amount|passenger_count|payment_type|     pickup_datetime|tip_amount|          pickup_udf|dow|payment_typeIndex|   paymentVec|dowIndex|       dowVec|
|         22.8|       84.34|              1|         CRD|2015-04-30 16:30:...|       7.0|2015-04-30 16:30:...|Thu|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     2.0|(6,[2],[1.0])|
|         8.76|       47.81|              1|         CRD|2015-05-21 07:43:...|      7.97|2015-05-21 07:43:...|Thu|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     2.0|(6,[2],[1.0])|
|         5.17|       32.76|              1|         CRD|2015-05-16 19:41:...|      5.46|2015-05-16 19:41:...|Sat|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     0.0|(6,[0],[1.0])|
|          5.9|       32.88|              1|         CRD|2015-05-06 00:41:...|      6.58|2015-05-06 00:41:...|Wed|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     3.0|(6,[3],[1.0])|
|          8.8|       42.41|              1|         CRD|2015-03-27 22:25:...|      7.07|2015-03-27 22:25:...|Fri|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     1.0|(6,[1],[1.0])|
|          7.5|       32.25|              2|         CRD|2015-03-04 20:29:...|      6.45|2015-03-04 20:29:...|Wed|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     3.0|(6,[3],[1.0])|
|          6.5|        38.5|              1|         CRD|2015-02-15 18:08:...|       7.7|2015-02-15 18:08:...|Sun|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     5.0|(6,[5],[1.0])|
|        14.33|       50.76|              1|         CRD|2015-04-27 21:44:...|      8.46|2015-04-27 21:44:...|Mon|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     6.0|    (6,[],[])|
|        12.71|       50.34|              1|         CRD|2015-05-10 20:54:...|       7.0|2015-05-10 20:54:...|Sun|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     5.0|(6,[5],[1.0])|
|          6.4|       27.35|              1|         CRD|2015-03-12 06:40:...|      4.55|2015-03-12 06:40:...|Thu|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     2.0|(6,[2],[1.0])|
|         9.14|        44.8|              1|         CRD|2015-05-28 12:45:...|      8.96|2015-05-28 12:45:...|Thu|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     2.0|(6,[2],[1.0])|
|         7.33|       27.96|              5|         CRD|2015-06-01 21:02:...|      4.66|2015-06-01 21:02:...|Mon|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     6.0|    (6,[],[])|
|          4.2|       28.55|              1|         CRD|2015-04-25 00:03:...|      4.75|2015-04-25 00:03:...|Sat|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     0.0|(6,[0],[1.0])|
|         8.76|        32.0|              1|         CRD|2015-06-08 07:33:...|       3.2|2015-06-08 07:33:...|Mon|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     6.0|    (6,[],[])|
|          8.6|       34.75|              5|         CRD|2015-06-17 04:15:...|      6.95|2015-06-17 04:15:...|Wed|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     3.0|(6,[3],[1.0])|
|         0.35|        5.16|              1|         CRD|2015-03-05 23:25:...|      0.86|2015-03-05 23:25:...|Thu|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     2.0|(6,[2],[1.0])|
|          5.3|       29.75|              1|         CRD|2015-02-10 09:40:...|      4.95|2015-02-10 09:40:...|Tue|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     4.0|(6,[4],[1.0])|
|          8.6|       32.75|              1|         CRD|2015-03-01 04:40:...|      5.45|2015-03-01 04:40:...|Sun|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     5.0|(6,[5],[1.0])|
|         14.5|       55.59|              1|         CRD|2015-06-30 11:47:...|      9.25|2015-06-30 11:47:...|Tue|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     4.0|(6,[4],[1.0])|
|          7.9|       32.15|              1|         CRD|2015-05-17 12:17:...|      5.35|2015-05-17 12:17:...|Sun|              0.0|(4,[0],[1.0])|     5.0|(6,[5],[1.0])|
only showing top 20 rows

In [8]:
# select only the features that we need moving forward
taxi_final ='trip_distance',
|trip_distance|total_amount|passenger_count|       dowVec|   paymentVec|tip_amount|
|         22.8|       84.34|              1|(6,[2],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|       7.0|
|         8.76|       47.81|              1|(6,[2],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      7.97|
|         5.17|       32.76|              1|(6,[0],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      5.46|
|          5.9|       32.88|              1|(6,[3],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      6.58|
|          8.8|       42.41|              1|(6,[1],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      7.07|
|          7.5|       32.25|              2|(6,[3],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      6.45|
|          6.5|        38.5|              1|(6,[5],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|       7.7|
|        14.33|       50.76|              1|    (6,[],[])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      8.46|
|        12.71|       50.34|              1|(6,[5],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|       7.0|
|          6.4|       27.35|              1|(6,[2],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      4.55|
|         9.14|        44.8|              1|(6,[2],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      8.96|
|         7.33|       27.96|              5|    (6,[],[])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      4.66|
|          4.2|       28.55|              1|(6,[0],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      4.75|
|         8.76|        32.0|              1|    (6,[],[])|(4,[0],[1.0])|       3.2|
|          8.6|       34.75|              5|(6,[3],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      6.95|
|         0.35|        5.16|              1|(6,[2],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      0.86|
|          5.3|       29.75|              1|(6,[4],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      4.95|
|          8.6|       32.75|              1|(6,[5],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      5.45|
|         14.5|       55.59|              1|(6,[4],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      9.25|
|          7.9|       32.15|              1|(6,[5],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      5.35|
only showing top 20 rows

Model Building¶

In [9]:
# now we build a linear regression model to predict tip amount from the features we have created
feature_cols = ['trip_distance', 'total_amount', 'passenger_count', 'dowVec', 'paymentVec']
label_col = 'tip_amount'

# vector assembler to build a dense vector
assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=feature_cols, outputCol='features')
In [10]:
# Reduce dataframe to essential columns for model building
taxi_xform = assembler.transform( + [label_col]))
 |-- trip_distance: double (nullable = true)
 |-- total_amount: double (nullable = true)
 |-- passenger_count: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- dowVec: vector (nullable = true)
 |-- paymentVec: vector (nullable = true)
 |-- tip_amount: double (nullable = true)
 |-- features: vector (nullable = true)

In [11]:
|trip_distance|total_amount|passenger_count|       dowVec|   paymentVec|tip_amount|            features|
|         22.8|       84.34|              1|(6,[2],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|       7.0|(13,[0,1,2,5,9],[...|
|         8.76|       47.81|              1|(6,[2],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      7.97|(13,[0,1,2,5,9],[...|
|         5.17|       32.76|              1|(6,[0],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      5.46|(13,[0,1,2,3,9],[...|
|          5.9|       32.88|              1|(6,[3],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      6.58|(13,[0,1,2,6,9],[...|
|          8.8|       42.41|              1|(6,[1],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      7.07|(13,[0,1,2,4,9],[...|
|          7.5|       32.25|              2|(6,[3],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      6.45|(13,[0,1,2,6,9],[...|
|          6.5|        38.5|              1|(6,[5],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|       7.7|(13,[0,1,2,8,9],[...|
|        14.33|       50.76|              1|    (6,[],[])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      8.46|(13,[0,1,2,9],[14...|
|        12.71|       50.34|              1|(6,[5],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|       7.0|(13,[0,1,2,8,9],[...|
|          6.4|       27.35|              1|(6,[2],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      4.55|(13,[0,1,2,5,9],[...|
|         9.14|        44.8|              1|(6,[2],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      8.96|(13,[0,1,2,5,9],[...|
|         7.33|       27.96|              5|    (6,[],[])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      4.66|(13,[0,1,2,9],[7....|
|          4.2|       28.55|              1|(6,[0],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      4.75|(13,[0,1,2,3,9],[...|
|         8.76|        32.0|              1|    (6,[],[])|(4,[0],[1.0])|       3.2|(13,[0,1,2,9],[8....|
|          8.6|       34.75|              5|(6,[3],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      6.95|(13,[0,1,2,6,9],[...|
|         0.35|        5.16|              1|(6,[2],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      0.86|(13,[0,1,2,5,9],[...|
|          5.3|       29.75|              1|(6,[4],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      4.95|(13,[0,1,2,7,9],[...|
|          8.6|       32.75|              1|(6,[5],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      5.45|(13,[0,1,2,8,9],[...|
|         14.5|       55.59|              1|(6,[4],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      9.25|(13,[0,1,2,7,9],[...|
|          7.9|       32.15|              1|(6,[5],[1.0])|(4,[0],[1.0])|      5.35|(13,[0,1,2,8,9],[...|
only showing top 20 rows

In [12]:
In [13]:
# build LR model
taxi_train = taxi_xform.withColumnRenamed('tip_amount', 'label').select('label', 'features')
DataFrame[label: double, features: vector]
In [14]:
|label|            features|
|  7.0|(13,[0,1,2,5,9],[...|
| 7.97|(13,[0,1,2,5,9],[...|
| 5.46|(13,[0,1,2,3,9],[...|
| 6.58|(13,[0,1,2,6,9],[...|
| 7.07|(13,[0,1,2,4,9],[...|
| 6.45|(13,[0,1,2,6,9],[...|
|  7.7|(13,[0,1,2,8,9],[...|
| 8.46|(13,[0,1,2,9],[14...|
|  7.0|(13,[0,1,2,8,9],[...|
| 4.55|(13,[0,1,2,5,9],[...|
| 8.96|(13,[0,1,2,5,9],[...|
| 4.66|(13,[0,1,2,9],[7....|
| 4.75|(13,[0,1,2,3,9],[...|
|  3.2|(13,[0,1,2,9],[8....|
| 6.95|(13,[0,1,2,6,9],[...|
| 0.86|(13,[0,1,2,5,9],[...|
| 4.95|(13,[0,1,2,7,9],[...|
| 5.45|(13,[0,1,2,8,9],[...|
| 9.25|(13,[0,1,2,7,9],[...|
| 5.35|(13,[0,1,2,8,9],[...|
only showing top 20 rows

In [15]:
# split into test/train sets
taxi_full_train, taxi_full_test = taxi_train.randomSplit([0.5, 0.5])
taxi_full_train.count(), taxi_full_test.count()
(38549997, 38556105)
In [16]:
# fit the model to the data
start_time = time.time()
lr =
lrmodel =
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
--- 2643.78178501 seconds ---
In [17]:
# make predictions
taxi_pred = lrmodel.transform(taxi_full_test)
DataFrame[label: double, features: vector, prediction: double]
In [18]:
# show a few predictions
|label|            features|         prediction|
| -2.0|(13,[1,2,8,9],[-3...| -42.14938129639681|
only showing top 3 rows

In [19]:
# model coefficients
lrmodel.coefficients, lrmodel.intercept
(DenseVector([-0.0, 0.9425, -0.136, 0.8535, -0.0964, -0.1347, 0.0465, 0.1381, -0.01, -6.9313, -5.567, -9.2002, -6.693]),
In [20]:
# print those normally distrubuted about zero residuals
lrmodel.summary.residuals.agg({'residuals': 'avg'}).show()
|      avg(residuals)|

In [21]:
|          residuals|
|  31.17604346755676|
| 18.976969138579076|
|  19.50466535224753|
|  23.16335065356887|
| 20.832809886429228|
| 18.239540297490333|
| 19.046577260806114|
| 18.954998029275703|
| 19.103037161345245|
| 19.103037161345245|
| 19.576574569424224|
| 19.576574569424224|
| 18.253346867188256|
|     7.929239629308|
|  9.336062621162627|
| -58.38599783304357|
|  9.336063058740276|
| -43.91364010608438|
|  9.943268664652356|
only showing top 20 rows

In [22]:
# how much variance in the response variable is predicted by the independent variables?
In [ ]:
# get a snipped of the predictions for visualization
In [25]:
pred_sample = taxi_pred.sample(withReplacement=False, fraction=0.005, seed=123)
pred_pd = pred_sample.toPandas()
In [52]:
# visualize predictions versus actual
pred_pd.plot.scatter('label', 'prediction', figsize=(12, 12), fontsize=16, alpha=0.2)
plt.xlabel('Actual Tip Amount', fontsize=24)
plt.ylabel('Predicted Tip Amount', fontsize=24)
In [40]:
# plot the residuals
pred_pd['residual'] = pred_pd['prediction'] - pred_pd['label']
In [51]:
pred_pd.plot.scatter('label', 'residual', figsize=(12, 12), fontsize=16, alpha=0.2)
plt.xlabel('Actual Tip Amount', fontsize=24)
plt.ylabel('Residual', fontsize=24)
In [68]:
# histogram of residuals

font = {'weight' : 'bold',
        'size'   : 24}
plt.rc('font', **font)
resids = list(pred_pd['residual'])
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))

plt.hist(resids, bins=100)
plt.xlabel('Residual', fontsize=24)
plt.ylabel('Count', fontsize=24)

plt.xlim([-100, 100])
In [ ]:
# As shown above, the distribution of the residuals is right skewed. 
# This seems to come from the fact that our model predicts a tip when no tip was actually paid.
# Moving forward, we should explore the data deeper and find features or ways to exploit the 
# data to predict when no tip will be paid.  Next time!